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Friday, December 8, 2006

Self Help Review

Maximizing me: 30 lessons on the the journey to self-empowerment
by Hart Cunningham
ISBN-10: 0944031994
Review by Heather Froeschl

What is stopping you from being everything you want to be? It could very well be yourself. In Hart Cunningham's book, "Maximizing Me," he offers 30 lessons on your journey to self-empowerment.

Who are you? The first step is discovering just who you are. What are your talents? From there you can do all things as you develop yourself, make determined goals, and following Cunningham's advice, reach them. This book takes you through all of the steps to change your life. Whether it is something like changing you health for the better or developing a multi-billion dollar company, the path begins with the same steps.

Written in a been-there-done-that-so-I-know-you-can-too tone, the book is easy to read and feels like a friend is giving you guidance. Wisdom is added to the friendly, no-nonsense feel with relevant quotes at the beginning of each lesson. Efforts to bring home the message are made with "remember this" and "try this" sections at the end of each lesson, where the author goes over the key points in the chapter and gives readers a particular assignment to complete and make the idea a reality.

Overall the book is a nice package. It offers a lot, in a tight and simple form. Why take advice on changing yourself from Hart Cunningham? He's obviously on a highway to success, and he's offered to give you a roadmap. Take him up on it and see where you end up!

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