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Thursday, June 1, 2006

Non-Fiction Review

Can You Hear Me Now?
by Kate Peters
ISBN-10: 0977640701
Review by Heather Froeschl

Are you being heard? How are people reacting when you speak? Do they tune you out, cringe, or do they pay attention and appreciate your words? You can make yourself be heard, lead your life, career and relationships to success, and come away having left a positive impact on those around you.

Kate Peters can help you to find the strengths in your voice and fine-tune it to suit your needs. Her unique book, "Can You Hear Me Now?" is all about harnessing the power of your vocal impact. Why would you want to do that? How other people perceive our voices is the beginning of how they perceive us as people. If you sound harsh, you just might be that way...if you sound meek, chances are that you will treated as such. The way we speak affects our jobs, our lives and our personal relationships. If you've never even thought about it then this book is definitely for you.

Kate will guide you through several lessons and a 31-day program that you control. The book is designed to help the reader to understand the voice, the impact the voice makes and the choices we have to control it. The first part of the book concentrates on what you should be concentrating on: the purpose behind your words. Are you conversing or expressing? The second part of the book focuses on ways to make changes through posture, practice, exercises for your voice, and breathing. Knowing how to make the changes is the key. The third part of the book is all about you. It is a daily prompt of things to focus on and a short journaling experience to help you claim ownership of what you are learning. This month of daily entries will help you to utilize what you have learned from Kate Peters throughout the book.

"Can You Hear Me Now?" is a wonderful tool whether you are in the business world, concerned about your relationships, or even a kindergarten teacher. Your voice is your initial outreach to those around want it to be representative of who you really are. I recommend this book to anyone seeking to positively speak his or her mind and be heard.

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