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Monday, November 29, 2004

Historic Novel Review

ISBN-10: 1418412880
Review by Heather Froeschl

Never before have I been so deeply immersed in history. Like many modern girls I grew up with the fantasy image of a great white knight who would some day come for me. But this fantasy was built on true stories, one of which is exquisitely relayed in "My Truth Lies in the Ruins."

Having been a great fan of the movie "Braveheart" and the like I was thrilled to be able to review this epic tale of Scottish history. William Le Hardi Douglas, a Scottish Patriot and knight, healer and husband joined the forces of William Wallace for Scottish Independence. The book is not just a historic accounting of those times of war though; it is a story of love and life, adventure and murder.

I so appreciate thorough research and I dare say I have never before read a book so very well prepared. Deborah Foulkes has brought history to life and what's more, she has brought life to history. This is not your average novel of love, adventure and genealogy; it is a book that will immerse you in true historical fact, creating a very real experience.

The rear of the book includes a glossary of common terms as well as a "who's who" of historical figures that relate to the story. The text runs smoothly and the dialogue is natural. My only problem was in the lack of indentation when dialogue is used. However, this minor thing is far outweighed by the positive attributes of the book including the abundance of photographs that grace the text.

I look forward to reading the next installment, "In the Shadow of My Truth." Deborah Richmond Foulkes, led by Spirit, offers history lessons that will not soon be forgotten.

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