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Thursday, November 29, 2001

Non-Fiction/Spirituality Review

How To Communicate With Spirit
by Elizabeth Owens
ISBN-10: 1567185304
Review by Heather Froeschl

As a student of Spirituality I have read a great deal of books on this topic, and I must say that this is by far the best that I have read. Elizabeth Owens takes the reader by the hand and leads through a wide variety of experiences. A certified medium and ordained Spiritualist minister, Ms. Owens is full of knowledge herself, however, in "How to Communicate with Spirits" she brings in the words of her peers, numerous other professional mediums, in an easy to comprehend, yet extremely interesting text.

It has been said that 60% of the population has experienced some sort of paranormal or spiritual event. I imagine that number will grow from this book's existence. It opens the eyes to sometimes subtle signs that spirit is around us, and the related stories help open the mind to seeing them. Ms. Owens explains the process of identifying and classifying our spirit guides and understanding the presence of other entities. From your first awareness of the spirit realm to the practice of meditation and communication, this practical guide will reaffirm what you may already know but it will likely help you to discover so much more.

The affirmation of my own personal beliefs was comforting, and the stories were such that I could relate to, but I think the crown jewel of this book is the final chapter, "Meditations for Communication". This chapter is a specific guide to meditation. It contains three "scripts" that the reader is encouraged to record for their personal use. Each script is thorough and well executed and has a different feel as portrayed in their titles: The Mountain, The Beach and The Castle.

For the novice to this topic, a generous glossary reveals the meanings to terms such as: Synchronicity, Chakra and Spiritualist. Whatever your interest level, I can almost assure you that you will learn something from this book. It all depends on how open your mind is.

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